Science at home


This is one of the last posts to be brought over from my Facebook page so I know a lot of you have seen it already. Sorry for the repeat, too good to be missed.

Miss F (2.5 years) loves activities and this one was a total hit! Firstly, we laid down butcher’s paper on the table. If you don’t have any then an old towl or some newspaper will do, it’s just to protect your area and helps to define a working space for the little ones.

I explained to Miss F what we were doing, telling her it was an experiment to see what would happen to the colours if we added dish washing liquid.

Each dish has milk in it and a dash of food colouring in the middle. I put a small amount of dish washing liquid in a small pot and with a cotton tip I showed F how to do the magic experiment with one of the colours.

I then gave her the pot and cotton tips to play around with and with supervision, let her go for it.

Towards the end of the experiment, I could see things getting crazy so I got her top off and let her keep going. Basically she was still being good but I didn’t need of want her top ruined. I now have paint smocks, if I remember then I’ll use them next time. Lol, if I remember.

Before Miss F decided she was ready to pAck up, she did like any other two year old would, she put her hands in the dishes and washed her hands and arms with the paint mix. Nice.

I gathered her up and took the dishes into the shower to pour out and sprinkled the shower and her hands with bicarb soda and said we were now doing ‘magic cleaning’. I gave her a sponge to clean up the paints and when she was done, I cleaned her up and rinsed the shower out. Easy cleaning and my shower got a wash too.

The paper from earlier was chucked in the bin and all over for the day. Older kids could get into the science behind it more but for us, it was just an introduction to how things work and different things that happen when you mix things together.


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